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Tire Expo 2020

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[1]Stoček Radek:Research and development of didactic equipments for polymer technologyPraha, 2013. Bakalářská práce (Bc.). České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Masarykův ústav vyšších studií, katedra inženýrské pedagogiky. Vedoucí práce David Vaněček.

The aim of the study is to describe the pedagogic as well didactic processes leading to the accomplishment of hight student’s motivation for preparing and active participation at the laboratory training. The study is focussed on the field of knowledge: „Technology of polymers” taught at university of technology as well chemical technology. The present form of an education based on laboratory training is confronted with the different form, which is adapted to the state-of the-art and can be applied to the laboratory training. The efficient using of the fundamental motivation mechanisms from teacher’s as well as student’s point of view is the base of this study.
A new form of complementary education based on interaction between lecture and laboratory training firstly was introduced in this study.  This new form consists in modification of lecture sturcture as well as common laboratory training. Last but not least the using of newest technology is characterized during the education process at laboratory training.  The diversion from the artificial form of education was established, whereas the return to the natural learning and teaching was recommended, which is based on the team cooperation. Thus the motivation of students can be improved. A new functional prototype of didactic equipment describing the non-linear behaviour of rubber for application to the lecture
in terms of technology of polymers was developed. The using of this testing equipment together with an example of lecture as well laboratory training preparation were introduced. Finally the study demonstrates a complex overview of future development of laboratory training and affords a guideline for teachers.

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