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Srdečně Vás zveme na mezinárodní veletrh a konferenci Tire Technology Expo 2020 v Hannoveru ve dnech 25.-27.2.2020.
[1] | Stoček, R.; Heinrich, G. Gehde, M., Kipscholl, R.:Analysis of Dynamic Crack Propagation in Elastomers by Simultaneous Tensile- and Pure-Shear-Mode TestingIn: W. Grellmann et al. (Eds.): Fracture Mechanics & Statistical Mech., LNACM 70, pp. 269-301, ISSN 1613-7736, ISBN 978-3-642-37909-3 |
The present work proposes a new fracture mechanical testing concept for determination of dynamic crack propagation of rubber materials. This concept implements a method of simultaneous tensile- and pure-shear-mode testing. The present approach is based on an upgrade of the Tear Analyzer (Co. Coesfeld GmbH), on the fracture mechanics theory of dynamically loaded test specimens and on the definition of pure-shear states according to the test specimen’s geometry ratio. | |
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